A photo of Almanya with a gray back ground, smiling, wearing a red shirt.

A photo of Almanya with a gray back ground, smiling, wearing a red shirt.

Almanya narula (SHE/HER)

Almanya Narula is an international actor, fight choreographer, dancer, and writer. She started her career in the entertainment industry at a young age where she was a child actor in various Bollywood films. She strives to advocate for women in the fight and entertainment industry and co-founded a comedy burlesque sword fighting troupe - 'Sizzlings Swashbuckling Sisters'. In 2019, she became the first woman of color to be nominated for a Joseph Jefferson Award in Fight Choreography for Gary Kates' 'Monsieur D'Eon is a Woman.' In 2016 she graduated with a B.A. in Theater & Stage Combat from Columbia College Chicago and in 2019 with an M.A. in New Arts Journalism from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.